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Charging port problems on your iPhone iPad or Samsung mobile

Cell Clinic Vancouver

Have you have ever gone to plug your cellphone in to charge it and nothing happens? You may initially think you have a faulty charger, but it may in fact be your cell phones charging port that’s causing the issue.

Most phones get plugged in hundreds of times throughout their lifespan. As your cellphone gets older, you may experience the charging port starting to wear out. Not to worry, this is a common problem with the iPhone and Samsung cellphones as they start to approach 2-3 years of age.

If you are experiencing this problem we would suggest you first try using your cell phone with another charger. If that does not fix the issue, you may need your iPhone or Samsung charging port to be repaired or replaced. We would suggest you find a professional cell phone repair company that offers a “no fix, no fee” service. This means that if new charging port that is installed does not fix the issue, you will not be charged anything for the service.

Also, we would suggest you find a location that will offer a warranty for the service. The longer the warranty the repair shop offers, typically means the higher quality the repair will be. By getting a warranty you will have the piece of mind your cell phone has been repaired properly, and if it is to break again, you can get a new charging port replaced for free.

At Cell Clinic Vancouver we offer a 1 year warranty on all cell phone and tablet repairs, as well as a “no fix, no fee” policy.

charging port repair Vancouver

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