Most cell phone makers warn that exposing your device to extreme temperatures may cause damage, but is it possible for a cell phone to get damaged from extreme cold?
For Example, Apple suggests keeping your phone away from any temperatures outside the range of 0 to 35 degrees Celsius, and will not cover warranty claims if this temperate range is broken.
Samsung on the other hand, provides a range of -20 to 50 degrees Celsius, with a similar warranty in place.
According to a study produced MikroPC, most of the higher quality cell phones on the market today, fail at around -30 degrees Celsius.
There are two types of issues cell phones begin to have when going outside the recommended temperate (high or low)
The first being the cell phones display may react slowly. This is more common when exposed to extremely low temperatures.
The other common fault a cell phone may experience when faced with extreme temperatures is battery drainage. This can be a temporary issue, or possibly a permanent issue, causing the battery to never recover from the damage.
Today’s smartphones typically display warnings when the phone is about to enter the breaking point of these extreme temperatures. It is always a good idea to not leave your cell phone exposed to direct sunlight and to keep it bundled up in extreme cold.
If you're like most people, your cell phone is your lifeline. So when cold weather hits, you probably don't want to take any chances with it. Here are a few tips to help keep your cell phone safe and sound during the cold weather months:
1. Keep it in your pocket as much as possible. This will help protect it from the cold air and any potential moisture.
2. If you do take it out, be sure to put it back in a warm spot as soon as possible. The warmth of your body can actually help keep your cell phone from getting too cold.
3. Avoid using it in extreme cold temperatures, if possible. Just like your skin, cold temperatures can damage your cell phone's battery. So if you're going to be outside in the cold for an extended period of time, it's best to leave your cell phone at home.
4. Consider investing in a waterproof case. This will help protect your cell phone from any moisture that may accumulate in the cold air.
5. Keep your cell phone clean and dry. Cold weather can actually cause condensation to form on your cell phone, which can lead to damage. Be sure to wipe it down after using it in cold weather and keep it stored in a dry place when not in use.
By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your cell phone stays safe and sound all winter long!

If you are from the Vancouver or Surrey BC area and you do experiance any problems with your iPhone or any cell phone contact us at